Why does it get cold as soon as it gets cold?



With the cold weather, runny nose, this little thing began to bother many people. 50%-90% people, the cold weather began to runny nose, eat something, speed up, may cause the nose to suck, slip, do not stop,Buying the right kind of , you can prevent your E-juice from leaking out! - the shortest horror story you want to face ever.It must have a metal seal and a fully ceramic body to stop oxidation or leakage. nose also no scruple to flow down. Wherever you go, you have a bunch of toilet paper that blows your nose. Think about it embarrassing. People with rhinitis, asthma, eczema, or hay fever may experience this experience more deeply. So why is the weather cold and the nose out of order? This may not be a bad nose. When it's cold, it's actually a nose that protects your body instinctively.


Inhaling air is too dry to accelerate the secretion of liquid


Australia interpreted news (The Conversation) is given to explain, in very cold environment, the outside temperature is below freezing at the air inhaled through the nose before reaching the lungs, must undergo a heat treatment, because the vulnerable lung did not impact the cold air. In this process, the nose plays a huge role.


When a cold, dry air passes through the nose, it first stimulates the nerves in the nasal cavity and sends the signals to the brain. The brain then begins deploying blood vessels to dilate and increase blood flow in the nose to warm the cold air. At the same time, the nose also receives instructions to secrete more liquid to moisten the incoming air. It is estimated that a person's liquid in a day may reach 300-400ml.


Under normal circumstances, the nose down the nasal cilia movement to posterior nasal hole to the pharynx, a small part of evaporated, a small part of a dry nose generally don't see it out from the nasal cavity.


In the process of heating or wetting the air, the temperature of the nasal cavity will decrease again because of the evaporation of water, so the nose will be fed back to the brain and applied for increasing the temperature. The brain then orders to increase the blood supply and the amount of fluid in the nasal cavity. This process is cyclical, and it is always difficult to achieve balance. If the nose overreact, generating much amount of liquid, like a stream flowing down from the nostrils, together in a menacing nose.


Rhinitis is very important to keep warm


As patients with rhinitis, asthma, eczema or hay fever, their nasal cells are more sensitive, so in this process will produce more radical reaction, so the nasal mucus is out of control.


Generally speaking, people without rhinitis tend to have runny nose in winter and slight swelling in the nose. As long as people reach normal temperature, the situation will improve. If there is rhinitis, a little nose will encounter cold air, "Everfount", in this case, you can carry a towel or handkerchief "" the scene of the accident, serious can choose anti allergy or anti-inflammatory spray. If the duration is longer, we should go to the hospital in time.


In addition, the cold air will also stimulate the formation of the eyes, causing tears reaction, but if it is not enough to form a lot of tears, the liquid will tear secretion by nasolacrimal duct flow into the nose, also increased mucus production, which is called "the weeping".


Therefore, in order to prevent embarrassing situation, as far as possible to wear masks in winter, reduce cold air into the nasal cavity, should pay attention to keep warm, runny nose can use brine rinse nose.